Monday, March 27, 2006


All these while I thought orchids are tropical plants until someone from a temperate country uploaded these two pictures of orchid to me. I gave them the 'benefit of doubts' and believe he /she that these orchids are infact grown 'physically' in a cold country. So, it is up to you to believe, or if you want, prove them wrong, OK?

By the way, friends, I am still confused whose these orchids belong. Who cares? Just enjoy the beauty of these orchids.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Mr. Paul Huang of gave me the name of the bird who build the nest in my previous posting, it is named 'COMMON TAILORBIRD.

Gary's Garden recommend you to visit NATURESTOPS. Paul has many collections of bird photos.

Cheers to you !!! Paul.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

HAVE U SEEN B4 ? curious....please click here

I bet you have not seen this before........你见过这种鸟窝吗?

Have you seen before this type of bird nest before? This was the first time I have seen this. Just imagine the nest was only wrapped by a grape plant leaf in Gary's Garden. You can imagine how tiny the bird is, judging from the size of the bird nest posted.

I suspect the bird is the 'love birds' who seeked refuge in my balcony months ago. You can see more details in my October 2005 posting).

You can see how well the bird can build such nest and its workmanship is so refined. Is anyone out there knows its name?

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Gary's Garden is again celebrating the birth of baby birds. This is the fourth time we have the experience. We can actually walk near to the nest while the mother bird warms up her babies, we are no more strangers to them. These events show that all creatures can co-exist peacefully in this world and reflect to us that why we human cannot live and accommodate peacefully with each other. The kids are equally excited over the event and inspired them to express their excitements in their very own drawings.