I found this article and would like to share with all of you, please read with open mind, I am not supporting anyone........Kamma means 'action'. The Law of Kamma means that there are inescapable results of our actions. There are deeds of body, speech or mind that lead to others' harm, one's own harm, or to the harm of both. Such deeds are called bad (or 'unwholesome') kamma. They are usually motivated by greed, hatred or delusion. Because they bring painful results, they should not be done.
There are also deeds of body, speech or mind that lead to others' well being, one's own well being, or to the well being of both. Such deeds are called good (or 'wholesome') kamma. They are usually motivated by generosity, compassion or wisdom. Because they bring happy results, they should be done as often as possible.
Thus much of what one experiences is the result of one's own previous kamma. When misfortune occurs, instead of blaming someone else, one can look for any fault in one's own past conduct. If a fault is found, the experience of its consequences will make one more careful in the future. When happiness occurs, instead of taking it for granted, one can look to see if it is the result of good kamma. If so, the experience of its pleasant results will encourage more good kamma in the future.
The Buddha pointed out that no being whatsoever, divine or otherwise, has any power to stop the consequences of good and bad kamma. The fact that one reaps just what one sows gives to the Buddhist a greater incentive to avoid all forms of bad kamma while doing as much good kamma as possible.
Though one cannot escape the results of bad kamma, one can lessen their effect. A spoon of salt mixed in a glass of pure water makes the whole very salty, whereas the same spoon of salt mixed in a freshwater lake hardly changes the taste of the water. Similarly, the result of a bad kamma in a person habitually doing only a small amount of good kamma is painful indeed, whereas the result of the same bad kamma in a person habitually doing a great deal of good kamma is only mildly felt.
This natural Law of Kamma becomes the force behind, and reason for, the practice of morality and compassion in our society.
Oh yes, I am a Malaysian staying in Australia, I am so happy when "Lu Kewen" won, i am so impress with his Mandarin proficiency, so much so made me feel ashamed of myself. I understand what he was saying in that interview, but don't think I as fluent as him.
He brought in some relieves and a breath of fresh air to the country, everyone esp those in the urban areas are sick and tired of his predecessor whose political party was practically "dismantled" - all the senior ex cabinet members quit frontbench.
I guess politics here is different if compare to malaysia - here it's not based not races - although opposition has taken control - but nobody is worried whether they will be discriminated, sidelined etc. Some may say its left wing and right wing - to me its all the same, just their ability to convince the people whether they are able to do a god job for the benefits of Australians - citizens and residents (like myself). Residents dont made to feel that they are 2nd class citizen - they get to share the benefits like australian citizens the only difference is not able to vote - thats all!