Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The family moved elsewhere 小鸟们搬走了

The bird family has decided to move elsewhere, perhaps the existing nest could not accommodate the growing babies. Gary's Garden will just leave the nest there and who knows, the birds may come back and lay eggs in it. We noticed the birds still visit our garden to pluck grapes. Gary's Garden is their second home, we guessed.

Besides that, we noticed another pair of birds, very small size, come to our garden very evening, stay through the night and will fly off about 7.00 am. We managed to snap a photo (without flash) of them and would like to post it today to share with all of you. We guessed the reason behind may be due to fragrance from our hoyas, which have full bloom now.

小乌们搬走了, 有可能是因为鸟儿们一天一天的长大, 小小的窝也不能容纳一家四口. 偶而它们一家人会回来採葡萄吃, 可能还是当我们是第二个家吧. 我们不会失望, 反而希望它们会在回来生蛋.
我们也庆兴有两隻每天傍晚飞回来我们花园体息, 然后第二天七点早上又飞开. 我们认为Hoya发出很香的味道吸引它们到来.

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