Thursday, August 30, 2007


One of the great leader that I admire most is Mr. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. Even my late father was his fan. I still remember my father requested my relatives to video-tape Mr. Lee's national day speeches for him. Though I may not agree fully with Mr. Lee's ideas, opinions, thoughts or whatsoever, I realized there are many truths in them.

I shall collect his ideas, opinions, thoughts or whatsoever in my blog from time to time, for the benefit of mankind. Lets start with the below :-

" We knew that if we were just like our neighbors, we would die. Because we've got nothing to offer against what they have to offer. So we had to produce something which is different and better than what they have. It's incorrupt. It's efficient. It's meritocratic. It works.

The system works regardless of your race, language or religion because otherwise we'd have divisions. We are pragmatists. We don't stick to any ideology. Does it work? Let's try it and if it does work, fine, let's continue it. If it doesn't work, toss it out, try another one. We are not enamored with any ideology."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

PENANG TRIP - 17 to 20 August 2007

Hehe, time flies. Another trip to Penang this year, sort of pilgrimage during school holidays and after busy period of mine. The different this time is that this trip is partly subsidized, in conjunction with my niece's convocation at University Sains Malaysia.

My dad aspired to attend this convocation during his lifetime. How nice if he is still alive to join us with this memorable celebration. We believe though he is unable to be with us physically, spiritually, he is still around us during the convocation.

Also, sharing with you a slide show of my trip there, enjoy.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Interesting news. You agree with him? How about you? Can you understand women?

难怪有这么多有名无实的夫妻呢! 嘻嘻哈哈!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Below are quotations that I come across when browsing internet. I shall update these quotations in this blog from time to time. You can read them with ease by clicking on the link 'QUOTATIONS 引文' on your right. Lets start with :-

Who knows perhaps we will all make history…..ONLY IF WE DARE TO DREAM


A man has to do what a man has to do

Religion is one path towards personal peace and spiritual fulfilment. It is also something which depends entirely on faith. Even if the religion is a ‘way of life’, a term commonly used to describe xxxxx; it still needs belief and faith. How can one be forced to follow a ‘way of life’ if one simply does not believe in it? Once the element of force comes into the picture, be it in the form of fines, imprisonment or ‘rehabilitation’, then religion ceases to be about the spiritual and becomes instead a matter of power.

"Berani kerana benar"

i was born in Malaysia... sure i love this place, this country. But i don't need anyone else to TEACH ME HOW to love this country.

I am beginning to see a glimmer of hope at the end of what once seemed a hopeless tunnel.

It has indeed been a long and winding road, but alas, I can see that the Ray of Hope is bursting thru’ the clouds. Though I may be in my sixties, living each day as a bonus, but i know the future “children of Negara Ku” will be able to experience and love the “fruits of sacrifice” from all our sincere and truthful “Anak Malaysia”

A joke was just a joke. An opinion was just an opinion. A viewpoint was just a viewpoint. Differences were respected and accepted.

" You reap what you sow"

Jesus once said "do unto others what you want others do unto you"

I know Malaysia has its faults and bad feeling
It is the leaders whom we made them to the office
We can make a change in the box
It is our rights to initiate change

I am trying hard not to be a racist, because racism is simply wrong, once in grave, God only sees ones deeds, not race

I support causes, not personalities. If that personality carries a cause I can relate to then I rally behind him. If I do not like his cause or feel that he has abandoned the cause then I move on. Life is too short to bitch and whine. If we meet eye-to-eye, we talk. If not, we walk.......RPK of

I have been lucky to have always had a shoulder to lean on when needed. God bless all those who love me. The rest he may bless if he so desires!

If by definition a judiciary means an independent, incorruptible and neutral judiciary, then we don't have one" - former Lord President Salleh Abas in Malaysiakini.


I came across a comment which I treasure, read it :-

“Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent”….a Buddhist saying.

It is alright to cling to negative emotions like fear, pain, failure, desperation, hopelessness, meaningless, worry and so forth. After you allow yourself to be fully penetrated by them, you got to detach from them and continue your journey. We don’t necessary taste the fruits from the good seeds we sowed in our mortal life span. If you hold back on your emotions…and don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to being detached. You become too busy being in all your emotions. After you have experienced and recognized all your emotions…tell yourself it is time to detach and carry on with the journey. There are more things and emotions awaiting you. ….hahaha learnt this entire talking cure from Morrie on the Tuesdays. Poem is chicken soup for a tired soul.