Monday, December 31, 2007


Today is the last day of the year 2007. To sum it up, it is not a 'too bad' year in career wise except for the passing of my father. Up to this moment, my heart is still aching when recalling those moments of his suffering in hospital bed hooking to respirator and medical equipment. Come to think of this, one may says it is pointless thinking of those moments, but it is easier said then done.

Well, some time I just wonder how nice if 'someone' is powerful enough to end these sufferings of living beings. I don't think anyone can do that. That is the reason why I doubt there exist a God. If God is so powerful, He in fact should eliminate sufferings and make all of us all rich, healthy, long life and so on. I may offend some people for saying this, who have faith in God. Anyway, for those who found faith in God, it is good for them. At least they can confide in Him in time of sorrow and helplessness.

Anyway, I hope everyone of us has a nice ending for 2007 and a good start of 2008. In fact, Gary's Garden pineapple plant start to bear fruit again a few days ago and custard apple plant bearing fruit for the first time. Could this be a good omen for me? Hope so, hehe.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


EXQUISITE HANDMADE JEWELLERY SHOWCASE? Wow, sound expensive and classy, but, if you look at the prices, those 'Jewelleries' not expensive at all. Go visit and you know what I meant. Really, come to think of these youngsters' design, why should we opt for those damn expensive jewelleries and feel 'insecured' if you wear those around your neck, wrist, finger. Just ask yourselves, how many time you wear those 'expensive' jewelleries. The answer, I can be sure, is very 'rarely' and most of the time in safe security boxes. If you do a simple costing of 'Value per wear', you will be shocked.

So, it is your choice. Lets make your choice. Hehe, this is just an advice from an accountant.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Kevin Rudd 陆克文 can speak Chinese

The newly elected Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Kevin Rudd 陆克文 can speak Chinese. It is just wonderful.

One of the comments I gathered about this video is :-

Oh yes, I am a Malaysian staying in Australia, I am so happy when "Lu Kewen" won, i am so impress with his Mandarin proficiency, so much so made me feel ashamed of myself. I understand what he was saying in that interview, but don't think I as fluent as him.

He brought in some relieves and a breath of fresh air to the country, everyone esp those in the urban areas are sick and tired of his predecessor whose political party was practically "dismantled" - all the senior ex cabinet members quit frontbench.

I guess politics here is different if compare to malaysia - here it's not based not races - although opposition has taken control - but nobody is worried whether they will be discriminated, sidelined etc. Some may say its left wing and right wing - to me its all the same, just their ability to convince the people whether they are able to do a god job for the benefits of Australians - citizens and residents (like myself). Residents dont made to feel that they are 2nd class citizen - they get to share the benefits like australian citizens the only difference is not able to vote - thats all!


Tuesday, December 04, 2007


For those who like to buy something affordable and yet meaningful 'Jeweleries' for yourselves or as presents to your wife, someone special or your secret admirer, Gary's Garden recommends you to this blog

Frankly, the items are quite unique to me and they worth your every single cent. Go for it guys and gals.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


A very unequal world - an article of 'DR. HSU FORUM' has prompted me to start a 'DONATION FOR GOOD CAUSE' drive of SGD 5 per click to help out the poor and unfortunates. I quote part of the article here :-

" Businessweek estimated that in 2006, there are 9.6 million household with net worth more than US $1 million dollars. Together , they control about one third of the world’s total wealth.

4.6 million of them are in United States. 2,300 out of this 4.6 million are worth more than 100 US million each.

Japan, Britain, Germany and China made up of the other top 4 nations in the world with the most millionaires. China has the fastest rate of increase for millionaires at 39 % per year .

On the other extreme, 1.1 billion population live under absolute poverty, meaning that they live with less than US$1 a day. Another 2.7 billion live in relative poverty, meaning that they earn less than US$2 a day.

How to have a more equitable world? Perhaps there should be more Warren Buffet, the investment guru and the second richest man after Bill Gates, who donated most of his wealth to charity to help those in poverty. "

Just think this over and we will realize what Dr. Hsu mentioned here is very true. Just imagine if each of the millionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet can impart a 'tiny fraction' of their wealth to the poor and unfortunate, they 'inequality' as stated here would not change much, but it will benefit the mankind.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I am impressed with the following paragraph quoted by Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak during his opening speech of the 14th Malaysia Law Conference :-

“ In a multi-racial and multi religious society like yours and mine, while we judges cannot help being Malay or Chinese or Indian; or being Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu or whatever, we strive not to be too identified with any particular race or religion – so that nobody reading our judgement with our name deleted could with confidence identity our race or religion, and so that the various communities, especially minority communities, are assured that we will not allow their rights to be trampled underfoot.”

Friday, October 26, 2007


Beside the Turtle Sanctuary, we visited a goat farm on the way back to Kuantan. This goat farm is just next to a budget chalet named 'Lis Nar Re', owned by a Canadian who reside in Malaysia. The goat farm was just started about 2 years ago and to my surprise, it is very clean, goats and surrounding, it is very well run. Your kids should like this place, so, keep your fingers crossed for a visit to the farm. This farm is at Sungai Ular, Balok, Kuantan. Nice long, shallow water and low wave beach is there for you to enjoy.

Guess who are holding the young turtles?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


We have been to Cherating a few times but never visit the Turtle Sanctuary. This time around, we decided to drop by the sanctuary and it turned out to be a quite an educational one. All these while, we thought that we can only see turtle laying eggs at Dungun, Trengganu, Malaysia. But, we were told by the sanctuary officer that we can also see this at Cherating beach. The best time to watch this is during the month of May to July every year.

It is good that we have a sanctuary to protect these rare species of leatherback turtles which is fast becoming extinction. We had the chance to watch a video about turtles and most exciting part is letting go the young hatchlings to the sea during night time. We managed to capture young turtles in action but unable to video the event of releasing the young hatchlings to the sea as there was no proper lighting then.

Apart from this video, you are able to see what my kids learned from this experience. My kids had the chance to hold the young hatchlings before releasing them to the sea.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Just look at it and you can feel its cold and mist, without being there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well, this is a meaningful video. Everyone should watch it. I realized from the video that Buddhism is the world's first religion without a 'God' yet it is not a 'religion' per se but more of 'teachings' of a great teacher Buddha.

Description : Over 2,500 years ago, one man showed the world a way to enlightenment. This beautifully produced Buddhist film meticulously reveals the fascinating story of Prince Siddhartha and the spiritual transformation that turned him into the Buddha

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Drawing of a 4 year-old girl. Any comment? Probably she trying to draw herself with curly hair.

After looking at her sister's drawing appear in my blog, another girl of mine requested me to publish hers too. This is how I and my wife look like in the eyes of my girl. Handsome? Pretty? Loving couple? Hehe, of course lah.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Drawing depict how Malaysia looks like in the eyes of my little girl.

I have some friends who frequently 'flying' all over the world. I always take the opportunity to 'grab' them before they fly to another corner of the world. I asked them, 'why you still want to come back to Malaysia?' . Their answers to this was that 'because my root is here, though Malaysia is not the best amongst the countries that I set foot on.'

So, we can count ourselves lucky to be a Malaysian. No doubt there are a lot of problems here and there, but I believe they can be solved if we are determined to change for the better. I trust that many bloggers like RPK, Screeenshot, Rocky Bru, Harris Ibrahim, Dr. Hsu's Forum are sincere in wanting to make Malaysia a better place to live at. Just read their postings with open mind, you don't need to buy their 'stories' all the time. Be a 'thinking Malaysia', a 'True Malaysian'.

Whether we like it or not, we are the products of Malaysian policies, system and environment that 'mould' us all since young. We are moulded into looking at things racially, which I admit, cannot be changed overnight. But, we can change this, if we try.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


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A friend of mine 'skype' this to me. Hope this design is not copy-righted.

一位朋友给我的祝福, 也和你们分享.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


As the saying goes..... when wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost, but when INTEGRITY is lost, evetything is lost.

Nice saying, isn't it?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


An article of Master Sheng Yen of Dharma Drum Mountain. 以下是是圣严法师, 法鼓山的作品



  所谓理性的分析,就是用「因缘」的观念,来理解事物的真相。因缘是指一切的现 象,不论生理的、心理的或自然社会的现象,都是时间和空间之下所产生的种种关系,是由许许多多因缘条件和合理而生的,无法单独发生,也不会突然出现,更不 会永远不变地存在;只要其中一项因缘条件改变,牵一发而动全身,原本你以为绝对不会变的事物,就会有了变化。


  例如一个人,本来是小男孩、小女孩,然后是少男少女,然后变成中年男子妇女, 最后变成老先生、老妇人,不断、不断地在变,如果要执著,究竟要执著哪一个呢?究竟是十六岁的是我呢?还是八十岁的才是我?其实都不是,因为十六岁的时候 已经过去,八十岁的现在也会过去,所以根本不需要执著。






Thursday, August 30, 2007


One of the great leader that I admire most is Mr. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. Even my late father was his fan. I still remember my father requested my relatives to video-tape Mr. Lee's national day speeches for him. Though I may not agree fully with Mr. Lee's ideas, opinions, thoughts or whatsoever, I realized there are many truths in them.

I shall collect his ideas, opinions, thoughts or whatsoever in my blog from time to time, for the benefit of mankind. Lets start with the below :-

" We knew that if we were just like our neighbors, we would die. Because we've got nothing to offer against what they have to offer. So we had to produce something which is different and better than what they have. It's incorrupt. It's efficient. It's meritocratic. It works.

The system works regardless of your race, language or religion because otherwise we'd have divisions. We are pragmatists. We don't stick to any ideology. Does it work? Let's try it and if it does work, fine, let's continue it. If it doesn't work, toss it out, try another one. We are not enamored with any ideology."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

PENANG TRIP - 17 to 20 August 2007

Hehe, time flies. Another trip to Penang this year, sort of pilgrimage during school holidays and after busy period of mine. The different this time is that this trip is partly subsidized, in conjunction with my niece's convocation at University Sains Malaysia.

My dad aspired to attend this convocation during his lifetime. How nice if he is still alive to join us with this memorable celebration. We believe though he is unable to be with us physically, spiritually, he is still around us during the convocation.

Also, sharing with you a slide show of my trip there, enjoy.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Interesting news. You agree with him? How about you? Can you understand women?

难怪有这么多有名无实的夫妻呢! 嘻嘻哈哈!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Below are quotations that I come across when browsing internet. I shall update these quotations in this blog from time to time. You can read them with ease by clicking on the link 'QUOTATIONS 引文' on your right. Lets start with :-

Who knows perhaps we will all make history…..ONLY IF WE DARE TO DREAM


A man has to do what a man has to do

Religion is one path towards personal peace and spiritual fulfilment. It is also something which depends entirely on faith. Even if the religion is a ‘way of life’, a term commonly used to describe xxxxx; it still needs belief and faith. How can one be forced to follow a ‘way of life’ if one simply does not believe in it? Once the element of force comes into the picture, be it in the form of fines, imprisonment or ‘rehabilitation’, then religion ceases to be about the spiritual and becomes instead a matter of power.

"Berani kerana benar"

i was born in Malaysia... sure i love this place, this country. But i don't need anyone else to TEACH ME HOW to love this country.

I am beginning to see a glimmer of hope at the end of what once seemed a hopeless tunnel.

It has indeed been a long and winding road, but alas, I can see that the Ray of Hope is bursting thru’ the clouds. Though I may be in my sixties, living each day as a bonus, but i know the future “children of Negara Ku” will be able to experience and love the “fruits of sacrifice” from all our sincere and truthful “Anak Malaysia”

A joke was just a joke. An opinion was just an opinion. A viewpoint was just a viewpoint. Differences were respected and accepted.

" You reap what you sow"

Jesus once said "do unto others what you want others do unto you"

I know Malaysia has its faults and bad feeling
It is the leaders whom we made them to the office
We can make a change in the box
It is our rights to initiate change

I am trying hard not to be a racist, because racism is simply wrong, once in grave, God only sees ones deeds, not race

I support causes, not personalities. If that personality carries a cause I can relate to then I rally behind him. If I do not like his cause or feel that he has abandoned the cause then I move on. Life is too short to bitch and whine. If we meet eye-to-eye, we talk. If not, we walk.......RPK of

I have been lucky to have always had a shoulder to lean on when needed. God bless all those who love me. The rest he may bless if he so desires!

If by definition a judiciary means an independent, incorruptible and neutral judiciary, then we don't have one" - former Lord President Salleh Abas in Malaysiakini.


I came across a comment which I treasure, read it :-

“Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent”….a Buddhist saying.

It is alright to cling to negative emotions like fear, pain, failure, desperation, hopelessness, meaningless, worry and so forth. After you allow yourself to be fully penetrated by them, you got to detach from them and continue your journey. We don’t necessary taste the fruits from the good seeds we sowed in our mortal life span. If you hold back on your emotions…and don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to being detached. You become too busy being in all your emotions. After you have experienced and recognized all your emotions…tell yourself it is time to detach and carry on with the journey. There are more things and emotions awaiting you. ….hahaha learnt this entire talking cure from Morrie on the Tuesdays. Poem is chicken soup for a tired soul.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Introduce you to this blog. I am impressed with the originality of its drawings.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


This coming 7/07/07, Saturday will be my dad's 100th day of passing. Co-incidentally, my wife had a dream of my dad waving goodbye to her and at the same time, reminding my wife to tell me to wear more clothing. Well, such gesture touched me so much that my dad still care for me even though he is gone. Perhaps he knows this coming Saturday is the last time he will remain with his family, after this, his soul will be elsewhere. For me, this coming Saturday will be sort of 'reunion' for my dad before we bid farewell to him.

I believe that although physically he is gone, spiritually he is still around, he is in my heart forever. My kids believe their 'Ah Kong' is still with them and my youngest daughter will call out loud 'Ah Kong' when I say 1,2,3.....3,2,1 and 1,2,3 to her. My family had the privilege to live with my dad all these while. Thanks dad for all your love.....bye.

Friday, June 01, 2007


I found this posting by one named 'surfwarrior' who was commenting on , read on, I agreed with surfwarrior :-

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." - Buddha

surfwarrior, I hope you won't mind I copied your posting in mine.....thanks

Monday, May 28, 2007


This is the place I and my family spent during the last weekend. This beach is rich with its sea shells, fine sand and relatively low waves. It is a place I recommend you to go with your family. My kids spent the whole day there without complaining of tiredness. It is a paradise to them.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


This Mt Fuji photo was sent to me by a friend from China.

Today, Thursday 17th May 2007 is my dad 49th day of passing. Time passes really fast but it was not easy to pass by these 49 days. Many questions popped up my mind and I did some sort of soul searching during these 49 days. Questions like why we exist in this world, what is the purpose of we come to this world and where is one goes to after death. Is there any truth in Kamma. If someone up there so powerful, why there are still sufferings in this world. Why can't someone out there use his power to make the world no suffering at all and make the world a peaceful and happy place to live at.

I search the Web for answers to these questions but still not satisfied or convinced. Maybe we are so used to this 'material world' where we can touch and see with our own senses. Something must be tangible or scientifically proven in order to convince us to accept an answer. So, really, there is no definite answers to those questions that satisfied / convinced me.

The answer about Kamma is the one which I am more convinced at, though not fully. I need more time to find out more truth about it. From the look at it (see my posting 'What is Kamma' dated April 29, 2007), the nature Law of Kamma sound simple. Someone even opined that it is 'common sense', everyone knows about it. My question is, if the law is so simple and of common sense, why there are still so many crimes and wrong doing happening in our society?

Kamma is more acceptable to me simply because it put responsibility on ourselves. That is, whatever happened to us, it was due to our own action. You can simply explain it by a chinese proverb ' Goat's fur come from goat's skin' 羊毛出在身上. In a way, whatever we want to achieve in life, do it with a sincere manner with no evil motive behind. You agree with me in this?

Well, I believe I can't do much now for my father, since he is gone, but I believe good deed done in his name will help him to have a better next life. A prayer was held on this 49th day of his passing, sincerely hope that the prayer will benefit my father in whatever way. But, it is still depend on my dad's own Kamma, which I believe, should be a good one.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I regretted not being with my dad at time of his passing. I should have stayed longer with him that faithful midnight. I was optimistic then that dad able to get well again..... and can live with my family again, but....... I was wrong, I regretted not at his bed side then.

Before I left him that night, I massaged his legs which were swollen, then I stroke his hand gently and told him to sleep well. Again, I could have stayed with him longer.

Now that he has gone. This coming Thursday, 17 July, 2007 (sorry, should be 17 May, 2007) is his 49th day of passing. We Chinese, or rather Buddhists believe that the soul of the deceased will still be with its family within 49 days of one's passing before reincarnated / reborn elsewhere as another living being. Prayers have been offered to him to wish him well in his next life. So, let us all do our parts to offer him prayers this coming Thursday. I wish him a good and less sufferings future life elsewhere.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I found this article and would like to share with all of you, please read with open mind, I am not supporting anyone........

Kamma means 'action'. The Law of Kamma means that there are inescapable results of our actions. There are deeds of body, speech or mind that lead to others' harm, one's own harm, or to the harm of both. Such deeds are called bad (or 'unwholesome') kamma. They are usually motivated by greed, hatred or delusion. Because they bring painful results, they should not be done.

There are also deeds of body, speech or mind that lead to others' well being, one's own well being, or to the well being of both. Such deeds are called good (or 'wholesome') kamma. They are usually motivated by generosity, compassion or wisdom. Because they bring happy results, they should be done as often as possible.

Thus much of what one experiences is the result of one's own previous kamma. When misfortune occurs, instead of blaming someone else, one can look for any fault in one's own past conduct. If a fault is found, the experience of its consequences will make one more careful in the future. When happiness occurs, instead of taking it for granted, one can look to see if it is the result of good kamma. If so, the experience of its pleasant results will encourage more good kamma in the future.

The Buddha pointed out that no being whatsoever, divine or otherwise, has any power to stop the consequences of good and bad kamma. The fact that one reaps just what one sows gives to the Buddhist a greater incentive to avoid all forms of bad kamma while doing as much good kamma as possible.

Though one cannot escape the results of bad kamma, one can lessen their effect. A spoon of salt mixed in a glass of pure water makes the whole very salty, whereas the same spoon of salt mixed in a freshwater lake hardly changes the taste of the water. Similarly, the result of a bad kamma in a person habitually doing only a small amount of good kamma is painful indeed, whereas the result of the same bad kamma in a person habitually doing a great deal of good kamma is only mildly felt.

This natural Law of Kamma becomes the force behind, and reason for, the practice of morality and compassion in our society.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Muarean are talented. It is proven in these video clips. I long to live in Muar again. It contains fond memories of myself and my family. John, do you consider yourself as a Muarean?

memories can onli be kept in the heart

Cherry Blossum Snow, scene of BB's Garden. The white stuffs on the floor are not snow, but Cherry Blossum Snow. How nice if can see a Cherry Blossum tree full of it's 'Snow'.

A very touching story of ..... a great ah kong ..... please read on
  • Click here
  • Thursday, April 26, 2007


    Dad left a legacy that all of us treasure. He implanted good family values in us and I am sure he is proud of us all.

    One of the value he had was that he let us have freedom of religion, believes and faiths that all of us siblings deemed fit. He never never imposed on us that we must follow what he believed at.

    To be honest, I still not able to do so, worry that my own children may adopt other faiths that I believe at. Human being human, we do have our 'selfish' side of us.

    But, one thing I believe is that we should not have the perception that our own faith is of more superior than the others, we should not 'imposed' our values onto others.

    Wednesday, April 04, 2007


    This is really my saddest episode in life. My dad passed away peacefully recently. Well, just feel that I had not really done enough for him while he was alive. Dad had stayed with my family for almost 10 years and these were the most valuable moments he gave to me. He was the best daddy one can get, and I believe, he is still the best. Without him, I won't be as I am today. From deep in my heart, I want him to know that I am thankful to him and he is in my heart for the rest of my life. Though this most sorrowful time left a scar in my heart, I shall treasure it forever.

    I will repay your deeds by living my life to the fullest and be a good father to my own children. Bye dad, have a better life somewhere else.

    这是他给我最宝贵美好与怀念的时刻. 没有他
    . 他是每个人都想有的爸爸,
    , 我深深的感激您.虽然我心里留下一条疤痕, 
    我一定会好好的活下去, 做一位我孩子们的好
    , 再见. 愿您有个更美满的来世.

    Sunday, March 25, 2007


    These were the days I long for since many years ago. I passed by this camp when visiting a coastal town of Muar, Johor. Many years ago, I like to spend my school holidays in scout camps. I believe this is a good way to mould oneself into an independent, discipline and resourceful person.

    I would like my children to have the same experience too.

    Monday, March 12, 2007

    A GREAT FATHER 献给伟大的父亲

    We are really fortunate to have a great father. He had overcome many obstacles, and recently, able to overcome the biggest obstacle ever. Dad, we are very very proud of you and hope you get well soon, like the swiftlet above

    父亲已经过很多重重难关. 最近也很庆幸的度过很难的关. 我们希望父亲能很快好起来, 就象这燕子一样.

    Sunday, February 25, 2007


    One thing I learned from my recent experience is that ' Tomorrow not always there'. We always take 'tomorrow' for granted. We often think there is always 'tomorrow' to give our best shot, to improve ourselves, or even to repent what we have done wrong. The recent event during last few weeks proved me wrong, to a very very great extent.

    So, don't wait until tomorrow to say 'I love you' to someone dear to us, because tomorrow may not be there for us.

    最近的几个星期让我领悟到'明天不是每天都有'. 我们经常给自己太多的藉口'还有明天' 来反省
    自己的过失, 或者'还有明天'来充实自己.

    所以我们应该好好珍惜我们现在拥有的一切, 不要等到明天的到来. 因为明天可能不会到来呢! 是吗?

    Wednesday, February 07, 2007


    In conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2007, a flora festival float procession was held last week in Putrajaya, the new administrative capital of Malaysia. Not to lag behind, Gary's Garden flowers are blooming now just in time with the Flora Festival of Malaysia.

    Sunday, January 28, 2007


    Sometime, I prefer to use the old roads instead of the tolled highways / expressways when going for holidays. It is not because I am not willing to pay for the tolls, but instead it is because you can see more things using old roads. For instance, you are able to buy 'Air Nira' (liquid extracted from coconut flowers), see the kampung (village) lifestyle, stop by to buy local fruits and see nice scenery along the way.

    One of the scene is the Tanjung Karang padi field, which co-incidentally is the kampung of a blogger friend's wife.

    Thursday, January 25, 2007


    Using Ulead Cool360 to join up the photos, my camera len is not wide enough

    Gary's Garden decided to make a trip to Eye On Malaysia, which was assembled at record time in time for the launching of VISIT MALAYSIA YEAR 2007. Whether is it appropriate to have Eye On Malaysia or not, is depending on each individual's opinion and it is pointless to debate / argue on its appropriateness. What is important for us Malaysia is to ensure the utmost safety of the users of it and 'tidak apa' attitude should not play a part in operating it.

    So, lets us Malaysian helps the government to make the EYE ON MALAYSIA a success, in particular, and VISIT MALAYSIA 2007 in general.

    When we were there, there were huge crowd lining up under canvas canopy to reach to the ticket booths and at the same time, fireworks and water skiing were in display. The shortcoming is that we are unable to enjoy the fireworks and the skiing display to the fullest while lining up for the tickets due to the fact that the canopy is not transparent. Maybe and perhaps the organiser should have more efficient ticketing system to correct this shortcoming or else money spent on these displays cannot be benefited to the fullest.

    Saturday, January 13, 2007


    Various scenes of Gary's Garden collate into one postcard.

    Sunday, January 07, 2007


    Gary's Garden begin the year 2007 with the world of hibiscus. It is really refreshing to look at these pictures and we wonder the world famous architects are able to create structures that look like them.